Evolutionary Development by Group 12 of Class RKPL D Sistem Informasi ITS

This video explains the Evolutionary Development process and its advantages in meeting customer needs and minimizing risks.

00:00:00 This video provides an explanation of evolutionary development by Group 12 of Class RKPL D Sistem Informasi ITS.

📚 The video is about evolutionary development, specifically flower presentation.

🌷 The presentation is given by a group of 5 students from class rkpld, named Felicia Evelina and 4 others.

💼 The students introduce themselves before starting the presentation.

00:01:12 Evolutionary Development is a cycle of activities that aims to improve software. It involves redesigning, evaluating, and implementing software to create a better product.

🔍 Evolutionary development is a cyclic process with the goal of improving software.

🔄 The process involves activities such as design, implementation, and testing.

⚖️ There are advantages and disadvantages to evolutionary development.

00:02:20 Summary: This video explains the Evolutionary Development process and its advantages in meeting customer needs and minimizing risks. No mention of brand names or sponsorships.

🔄 Evolutionary development is a model that aims to fully satisfy customer desires and needs, with a quick response to changes and minimizing errors.

👥 Evolutionary development allows for gradual development, ensuring solutions meet actual needs and involving active customer input.

👍 One advantage of evolutionary development is its ability to adapt to changing requirements, minimizing risks and delivering tailored solutions.

00:03:26 Explanation of Evolutionary Development by Group 12 RKPL Class D in Informatics System ITS. It allows early use, continuous testing, and reduces failure risk. However, it requires careful management and has difficulties predicting time and cost.

🔑 Evolutionary development allows early usage and continuous testing and improvement.

⚠️ The first drawback is the need for careful management to ensure schedule and requirement fulfillment.

⚠️ The second drawback is the difficulty in predicting time and cost due to adaptiveness towards changes.

00:04:33 Explanation of the Evolutionary Development by Class 12 of RKPL D SIstem Informasi ITS. Three drawbacks of Evolutionary development are discussed, including longer development time due to continuous changes. Implementation examples and conclusions are presented.

🕐 Evolutionary development can take longer than expected due to continuous potential for changes.

🧩 An example of the implementation of Evolution is the development of a word processing software.

📚 The conclusion is that Evolutionary development is the topic being discussed.

00:05:40 Evolutionary Development explained, highlighting its benefits of meeting customer needs, gradual development, and minimizing risks. Requires careful management and prediction difficulties.

💡 Evolutionary development is a software development process that aims to create useful systems by connecting various activities to design, implement, and test software.

🔍 Evolutionary development offers benefits like quick response to changes, gradual development, and risk minimization.

⚖️ However, it also has disadvantages such as the need for careful management, difficulties in predicting outcomes, and cost considerations.

00:06:49 Explanation of Evolutionary Development by Group 12 RKPL Class D Information Systems ITS.

🔍 Evolutionary development involves the exploration of strengths and weaknesses to drive progress.

🌱 Evolutionary development can be exemplified through the use of paradigms that enhance file management and document generation.

📝 The initial meeting in evolutionary development is considered the core product.

Summary of a video "Penjelasan Evolutionary Development dari Kelompok 12 Kelas RKPL D SIstem Informasi ITS" by Jhoni Sitepu on YouTube.

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