Improving performance and achieving goals through behavior-based management

Exploring the theory of conditional behavior management and its application in integrated management systems. Understanding why objectives are not met.

00:00:00 Exploring the theory of conditional behavior management and its application in integrated management systems. Understanding why objectives are not met.

📚 The video discusses the tree conditional theory of safe behavior, which can be applied to integrated management systems.

🏆 Understanding why objectives are not met is crucial for setting and achieving goals.

🔑 Implementing measures based on the tree conditional theory can help control and solve organizational problems.

00:01:33 Learn about the behavior-based management theory of 'No sabe No puede No quiere' and discover why objectives may not be met in organizations.

📋 The video discusses the concept of 'no sabe no puede no quiere' in the context of behavior management.

📚 Lack of knowledge, inadequate guidance, and outdated tools can result in failure to achieve objectives.

💡 Motivation plays a crucial role in whether individuals are willing to apply their knowledge and abilities.

00:03:12 Exploring the reasons why objectives are not met and how to improve behavior-based management. Questions on personnel selection, training, resources, and facility safety are addressed.

🔍 Questions to consider when managing behavior: personnel selection, defined job profiles, qualifications, training, awareness of responsibilities.

Factors that affect goal achievement: resources (money, time, personnel), suitable environment, safety of facilities.

🔒 External inspections and approvals to ensure facility safety and compliance.

00:04:48 An analysis of the obstacles to goal achievement in organizations and the importance of ensuring safety, quality, and environmental standards are met in order to improve performance.

Access, escape routes, and signage are important factors in ensuring safety and compliance with regulations.

Monitoring of risk factors and ensuring appropriate working environments and calibrated equipment are crucial for safety and quality.

Regular review and update of procedures, presence of an organizational structure, and motivation are necessary for successful implementation of a management system.

00:06:25 Managing Behavior | Achieving Goals and Objectives | Implementing Effective Strategies for Employee Performance

📉 Measures to correct inappropriate behavior and promote intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

🏢 Implementing methods, procedures, infrastructure, and proper equipment to ensure efficient work.

📋 Establishing job profiles, selecting and training the right personnel, and providing clear guidelines and information.

00:08:01 How to improve performance and achieve goals by implementing techniques for employee motivation and following internal regulations.

Implementing basic measures such as employee motivation techniques and internal regulations can improve the performance of a management system.

Providing necessary resources such as equipment and facilities, as well as addressing internal and external motivations, can encourage employees to perform their tasks effectively.

Analyzing accidents, non-conformities, and environmental impacts can help identify the underlying causes and improve the management system.

00:09:37 A video about the lack of achievement of goals and the reasons behind it. The importance of analyzing and reviewing questions to identify any undesirable events.

⚙️ Behavior-based management involves analyzing and reviewing potential causes of unwanted events.

🔍 Unwanted events can occur due to a lack of something or the presence of certain conditions.

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Summary of a video "GESTIÓN BASADA EN EL COMPORTAMIENTO | No sabe No puede No quiere | Porqué no se cumplen objetivos" by Gestor Calidad - SSOMA on YouTube.

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