💡 Cost is everything that will generate income and represent an investment.
💲 Cost should not be confused with expenses as expenses decrease our utility and can even cause losses.
🔧 Cost of production includes the price of purchase and the manufacturing expenses.
📝 Costos de producción se dividen en materiales directos e indirectos, y mano de obra directa e indirecta.
💰 Otros gastos de fabricación incluyen útiles de aseo, papelería de oficina, combustible, alquileres e impuestos.
🔢 El costo unitario de producción es un factor clave en la determinación del precio de un producto.
💰 The cost of a particular item includes sales expenses, such as advertising and salaries.
📚 Administration expenses are the costs for managing the company, including salaries, rent, and utilities.
📊 Financial expenses refer to the operations conducted to stimulate the company's activities.
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