Improving Essay Writing Skills: Avoiding Common Mistakes for Better Grades

Tips to improve essay writing skills and avoid common mistakes that lower grades. Express your own thoughts and ideas for better grades.

00:00:00 Tips to improve your essay writing skills and avoid common mistakes that can lower your grades. Avoid erasing or crossing out words, use a diagonal line for corrections. Write slowly to minimize errors.

📝 One should avoid erasing words in essay writing because it gives a negative impression.

🚫 Instead of erasing, one should use a diagonal line to indicate the error and continue writing.

Writing too quickly can lead to multiple errors, so it's important to write calmly and at a moderate pace.

00:01:04 Tips to improve your essay writing skills and avoid common mistakes such as spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and repetition.

📝 Pay close attention to spelling and grammar to avoid losing points.

🔄 Do not repeat words or sentences in the essay.

💡 Review and analyze your writing style to identify any mistakes.

00:02:08 Avoid using pre-written introductions for essay topics as they can negatively impact your final grades. Essay topics require creativity and originality, so it's important to express your own thoughts and ideas.

📚 Using pre-written introductions for essay topics can negatively impact grades.

🖊️ Writing an essay requires creativity and originality, not pre-written content.

📝 Exceptions to using pre-written content include quotes, verses, and poems.

00:03:10 Students who stray from the main topic of their essay receive significantly lower grades. Avoid using colloquial language and making false references, as this will decrease your grades.

📚 Staying on topic is crucial in essay writing to avoid losing points.

🗣️ Avoid using colloquial language in essays to maintain formality.

📖 Misquoting religious texts can result in a significant decrease in grades.

📝 Understanding the content being quoted is important for accurate references.

00:04:14 Tips to improve essay grades in Arabic exam: Don't rely on reading topic, as it's similar to essay topics. Avoid copying the entire reading topic. Also, don't beg for full marks at the end of the essay.

On the exam for Arabic composition, the reading topics can be very similar to the composition topics.

Students tend to quickly copy the reading topic as their composition topic, resulting in lower grades because of a lack of creativity.

Avoid pleading with the grader at the end of the composition to give a higher grade, as it decreases the grade.

00:05:17 The video discusses common mistakes made by students in essay writing and provides tips on how to avoid them. Check out the YouTube channel for more helpful videos.

📝 Students often make ten common mistakes in essay writing.

💡 Follow the required guidelines and stay on topic to avoid losing points.

🔒 Subscribe to the 'ذكر لعربي' YouTube channel for more tips and help with essay writing.

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