🎁 There are six different types of gifted individuals.
🧠 The first type is the successful type, characterized by impressive academic performances and achievements.
🤔 Giftedness can manifest in various ways, and it's important to recognize and value all types.
🔑 Gifted individuals may face challenges when their intelligence becomes their sole identity.
🌟 The challenging type of gifted individuals are creative, unconventional, and may question authority.
💡 Type 2 gifted individuals often feel frustrated in traditional school settings and may exhibit delinquent behaviors.
🎁 Type 3s, also known as the underground types, are gifted individuals who hide their giftedness and seek to belong to non-gifted peer groups.
🙌 Type 3s need encouragement and understanding from their parents, teachers, and peers to overcome insecurity and anxiety.
🚫 Type 4s, also known as the dropout types, are gifted individuals who often drop out of school due to various reasons.
😡 Type 1 gifted individuals struggle with anger, frustration, and depression when their giftedness is overlooked.
😔 Type 4 gifted individuals have low self-esteem as their interests, skills, and talents don't align with the typical school curriculum.
👐 Type 5 gifted individuals, also known as double labeled type, have a physical or emotional handicap along with their giftedness, making it difficult for schools to identify them.
🎁 There are six types of gifted people, including the autonomous type.
🎓 The autonomous type is independent, resourceful, and goal-oriented.
✨ Autonomous individuals are natural born leaders and are well respected.
🎁 Gifted individuals can be categorized into six different types.
🔍 Identifying your type of giftedness can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses.
🧩 The six types of gifted people are intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership, psychomotor, and academic.
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