๐ A linked list is a data structure made up of nodes that store data and have references to the next node.
โ Nodes can be added at the end or at the start of a linked list, and the references are adjusted accordingly.
๐ Nodes in a linked list can be located at any memory address and are not required to be adjacent to each other.
๐ A linked list consists of nodes, with a head node at the start and a tail node at the end.
๐ To find elements in a linked list, start from the head and follow the next pointers until reaching the tail.
๐ The tail node points to null, indicating that it is the last element in the list.
๐ A linked list does not allow for random access to elements, unlike an array.
๐ To find a specific element in a linked list, you have to follow the links sequentially.
๐ Maintaining references to the head and tail of a linked list allows for efficient addition of elements.
๐ Adding a new element to a linked list involves creating a new node and updating the links between nodes.
โฐ Inserting elements in a linked list takes constant time, regardless of the number of nodes in the list.
๐๏ธ Removing an element from a linked list is efficient and involves updating the links between the adjacent nodes.
๐ Linked lists can be used to represent sequences of data.
โก๏ธ In a singly linked list, each node has a link to the next node.
โ๏ธ In a doubly linked list, each node has a link to both the next and previous nodes.
๐ A linked list is a data structure that consists of nodes connected through pointers.
โฎ๏ธ Nodes in a linked list can be traversed forward or backward, allowing easy navigation through the data.
๐ Clicking on hyperlinks in a linked list breaks the previous link, affecting the navigation history.
๐ Linked lists are data structures used for storing and manipulating data.
โช Linked lists are commonly used for implementing undo and redo functionalities.
๐ Arrays can be used as an alternative to linked lists for storing multiple items of data.
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