📚 Grammar is a set of patterns for forming sentences and is unique to each language.
❓ Correcting grammar mistakes is important for conveying meaning accurately.
🌍 Some languages have different word order patterns, such as subject-object-verb.
📚 There are two approaches to studying language: prescriptive and descriptive.
🗣️ Prescriptive approach believes in following specific rules, while the descriptive approach acknowledges the natural variation and adaptation in language.
🌍 The standard form of written language is derived from various dialects and is used to ensure effective communication between people of different languages.
📚 Grammar rules applied to spoken language were historically seen as corrupt or indicative of low social status, but linguists now understand that speaking and writing have different rules and patterns.
🗣️ Most of us learn to speak at a very young age through unconscious habits, rather than memorized rules, as speech uses intonation, voice pitch, and flexibility for effective communication.
🔄 To accommodate the needs of speakers and listeners, spoken language may prioritize simplicity, avoiding complex sentences that are difficult to understand, making changes to avoid unfamiliar pronunciation, or omitting sounds for faster conversation.
📚 Standardization of grammar helps people understand prevailing patterns in language.
🔄 Descriptive grammar reveals how our minds and instincts shape our perception of the world.
🌍 Language serves as a complex fabric woven together by contributions of speakers, listeners, writers, and readers worldwide.
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