A Call to Reverence: Preparing for the Coming Shaking

A message about the importance of reverence and fear of God, focusing on a coming shaking in the church and personal lives.

00:00:00 A message about a great shaking coming to the church, emphasizing the need for believers to stay focused on Jesus and return to their first love.

🔥 A great shaking is coming to the church, and only those who have their eyes fixed on Jesus will stand.

👀 The Lord wants his church to be focused on him, not distracted by other things or people.

💪 We need to stay firm, grounded, and devoted to Jesus, our first love, as we live in the end times.

00:04:20 A message about the warning not to refuse God's voice and the shaking that will occur. Serving God with reverence and fear is important.

🔔 There is a warning not to refuse God's message and harden our hearts.

💥 God will shake everything that can be shaken, leaving only the unshakable.

🔥 Having reverence and godly fear is important to serve God acceptably.

00:08:32 A message about the shaking in the church and in personal lives, aiming to leave only the unshakable Kingdom. The end times church should have reverence and fear of God, experiencing His diverse presence. A call for holiness and purity.

🔥 The Lord shakes the church and individuals to remove what can be shaken and establish an unshakable Kingdom.

😱 The end times church should be marked by reverence and the fear of God, being captivated by His power and beauty.

✝️ There needs to be a recovery of the fear of God and a call to holiness and purity in our lives.

00:12:42 A discussion about the fear of the Lord and its importance in the life of Jesus. The presence of God is multifaceted and includes wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and the fear of the Lord.

📜 The fear of the Lord is a good thing and an attribute of the Messiah.

🕊️ The seven-fold spirit of God represents different aspects of His presence.

✝️ Jesus, as the Messiah, demonstrated the fear of the Lord.

00:16:54 The video discusses the importance of fearing the Lord and the need to recover the fear of God in our lives.

🙌 Jesus, as God, praised and glorified God within the godhead.

🙏 The fear of the Lord needs to be recovered in our lives.

😇 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and keeps us from sin.

00:21:04 The video discusses the fear of God and its role in guarding against sin. It emphasizes the difference between human fear and reverential fear, highlighting the importance of drawing near to God.

The people witnessed thunderings, lightning flashes, and the sound of the trumpet.

👥 Moses encourages the people to not fear and explains that God has come to test them.

🙏 The fear of the Lord guards against sin and draws people closer to God.

00:25:15 A message from God about not worshiping idols or building altars of gold or silver. Reverence and awe for God lead to his presence and guidance.

👉 God instructs the children of Israel not to create idols, but to make altars of Earth and stone for sacrifices.

🙏 The fear and reverence of God lead to a greater sensitivity to His presence and guidance.

💫 Approaching God with honor and respect allows one to experience His wonderful counsel.

Summary of a video "GOD SPOKE TO MY WIFE @zulygarcia. ABOUT A GREAT SHAKING THAT IS COMING" by Chris Garcia on YouTube.

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