👨🍳 The video is about a funny incident involving the speaker's husband and a bento box on a train.
🏡 The incident happened during the speaker's visit to their husband's hometown to celebrate New Year's.
🚄 The train was crowded, and the husband could only find a seat apart from the speaker.
🚅 The protagonist was on a late train and got hungry, so they ate a rice ball given to them by their grandparents.
🍱 The protagonist's husband had bought a heated bento box for the train ride and was excited to eat it.
🤔 The husband didn't eat the bento box because he misunderstood the instructions and thought it needed to be heated.
The video is about a husband who opens a bento box on a train and smoke comes out.
The husband was surprised and worried about the smoke, but he couldn't deny it because there were many people around.
When the husband finally opened the bento box at home, there was no smoke, causing confusion.
📢 This video tells the story of a funny incident involving the protagonist's husband and a bento box on a bullet train.
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ثلاث حبات فقط في الليل ، استيقظي ببشرة أصغر بـ 20 عامًا ، أفضل حبوب للوجه تزيل التجاعيد فورا
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"Cuerdas", Cortometraje completo
Mask (Buk), Torres Strait, Mabuiag Island