📢 Verbal communication refers to the spoken communication within a company.
📧 Written communication includes emails and letters.
📞 Types of communication include employee to management, management to employee, internal communication, and external communication.
💼 Internal communication refers to communication within the organization.
🌍 External communication refers to communication outside the organization.
📝 In written communication, it is important to be concise and consider the perspective of the reader.
🎧 When reading written communication, the reader imagines the tone of voice of the writer, so it is important to be mindful of how the message may come across.
🔡 Proper spelling and punctuation are essential in written communication to convey professionalism.
✅ Effective written communication in business requires being concise and to the point.
👥 Consider the audience when communicating, especially if they prefer data and statistics over emotional stories.
📝 Clarity, kindness, and respect are important factors in successful business communication.
Effective verbal communication involves considering the intellectual and emotional aspects of the audience.
To engage both intellectual and emotional individuals, it is recommended to mix storytelling with data and graphics.
Good communication involves observing the audience's reactions and adjusting the approach accordingly.
📚 It is important to consider the communication style of individuals to ensure better understanding.
🔍 Identifying visual or auditory preferences in people can improve communication strategies.
🗣️ Tailoring communication based on individual preferences can lead to successful business interactions.
📚 Storytelling is an effective way to engage audiences and communicate messages.
📷 Visual elements, such as images and graphics, are important in presentations.
💡 Presentations should focus on delivering a concise message with minimal slides.
📚 The video discusses the importance of integrated values in business communication.
💡 Integrated values are the motivation behind the speaker's involvement in the program.
👥 For more information, viewers can contact the program through their website or Facebook page.
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