✅ Subject-verb agreement requires using a singular verb with a singular subject and a plural verb with a plural subject.
⚖️ When the subject is connected by 'and', use a plural verb; when connected by 'or' or 'nor', use a singular verb.
❓ There are situations where it may be unclear if the subject is singular or plural.
⭐️ Subject-verb agreement ensures that the verb agrees with the subject in terms of number.
🔡 Words like 'neither,' 'anybody,' 'each,' 'everybody,' and 'someone' require a singular verb.
🔄 When there is a plural element in a clause before the verb, make sure the subject-verb agreement is correct.
✏️ Subject and verb agreement is important in English grammar.
📝 Even when the subject comes after the verb, the same rules for agreement apply.
👖 Plural nouns like pants, trousers, and jeans require plural verbs.
🔑 Nouns that represent more than one person can still take a singular verb.
🔑 Collective nouns like 'team' and 'family' are treated as singular nouns.
🔑 The word 'police' is treated as a plural noun, not a collective noun.
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