💡 The first light bulbs were made with carbon filaments sealed in a vacuum inside a glass bulb.
🔌 Thomas Edison discovered that the filament in a light bulb emitted electrons, leading to the development of electronic devices.
💻 The invention of the vacuum tube, a device similar to a light bulb but with an additional electrode, paved the way for the first digital computers.
💡 The initial design of early computers used thermo-ionic diodes.
🔌 Combining multiple diodes and a capacitor allowed for a more constant direct current.
📡 The invention of the triode tube in 1906 led to significant advancements in amplification.
💡 The first computers were made of vacuum tubes.
🔌 Vacuum tubes allowed for high-frequency amplification.
📡 Vacuum tubes revolutionized electronics and enabled long-distance communication.
🧪 The invention of the triode was significant for electronic devices.
🔢 There was a connection discovered between electrical circuits and Boolean algebra.
💡 In 1937, George Stevich built the first digital calculator using relays and light bulbs.
💻 This marked the beginning of the digital age, despite being a simple circuit made with basic materials.
🔌 The calculator had two inputs represented by open or closed switches, and the output was shown by lit light bulbs.
💡 Early computers were built using relays and electrical gates to perform basic mathematics.
🧠 By connecting multiple circuits, more complex calculations could be achieved.
🔌 The Model 1 computer could perform addition and multiplication, but more complex operations took longer.
💡 The early computers were made of relays and were slow and noisy.
🔌 Electronic switches called triodes revolutionized computing.
🖥️ The first programmable electronic computer called ENIAC was invented in 1945 and was faster and more versatile.
💡 The first computers were made of vacuum tubes and were used for complex computations.
🔥 Computers made of vacuum tubes generated a lot of heat and required a significant amount of power.
⚡ Vacuum tube computers were unreliable and often required maintenance and replacement.
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Estadística Descriptiva: Tablas estadísticas y Tratamiento gráfico. Módulo 1