👶 The shopping cart study examines if a 15-month-old baby can figure out how to reach their mother.
🛒 Researchers believe that a sense of self is crucial for the baby to solve this problem.
🚼 The study shows that at 15 months, the baby doesn't understand that their body is stopping the cart.
🛒 The baby humans in the study are trying to figure out why the shopping cart won't move.
🧠 Jonathan, at 18 months, realizes that he is the obstacle to the cart's movement, showing self-awareness.
🚶♀️ Abigail, also 18 months, quickly understands that her mother's absence is the problem and fixes it.
🧒🛒 Researchers conducted a study on babies and shopping carts.
🤔 The study found that babies become self-aware after 18 months of life.
🤯 A baby's solution to prevent a shopping cart from moving was to roll up the mat.
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