👉 Using group policies, you can schedule an automatic shutdown of computers on a network at a specific time.
👉 This method is useful for environments like schools, where students may forget to turn off the computers at the end of the day.
👉 To test this, you will need an Active Directory domain controller and a client computer to deploy the group policy and scheduled task.
🔍 Finding the settings for automatic shutdown using Group Policy Objects (GPO).
⚙️ Creating a scheduled task for automatic shutdown using GPO.
🔒 Setting the task to execute regardless of user activity or session status.
📋 In this video, we learn how to plan an automatic shutdown of computers using Group Policy Objects (GPO).
⚙️ To implement the automatic shutdown, we need to create a trigger that specifies when the task should be executed, such as daily at a specific time.
🔌 In the action tab, we configure the shutdown command using the 'shut down' program in the system32 directory.
📝 By using GPO, you can plan an automatic shutdown of computers with a specific delay and display a warning message to users.
⏰ The delay can be customized to allow users to close their programs before the computer shuts down, reducing the risk of losing work.
⚙️ To ensure the shutdown occurs even if the user is not connected, a specific option needs to be enabled in the task properties.
🔎 Testing the Group Policy Object (GPO) on a client machine to ensure the scheduled task is working correctly.
⏰ Using the Task Scheduler to create a scheduled task to automatically shut down the computer at a specific time.
💡 Verifying the action and trigger settings of the scheduled task in the Task Scheduler.
📝 To plan an automatic shutdown of computers using GPO, you need to modify the scheduled task properties and select the 'delete' action.
⚠️ Do not delete the scheduled task itself or remove the link with GPO, as it will not be removed from the machines.
🕑 After applying the GPO, the scheduled task will be deleted from the machines at the specified time, resulting in an automatic shutdown.
🔧 Setting up automatic shutdown of computers using GPO can help save energy and ensure consistency.
💡 Moving Gepetto to multiple machines will result in all active machines shutting down at the specified time.
⚠️ It is important to inform users about the automatic shutdown to avoid any unexpected surprises the next day.
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