✅ The video demonstrates how to set up the iD4 audio interface for both Mac and Windows computers.
💻 To get started, connect the iD4 audio interface to your computer using the supplied USB C cable.
🔊 For Mac users, simply open System Preferences, go to Sound, and select iD4 as the input and output device.
🔌 To set up the Audient iD4 MkII Audio Interface, install it and select it as your input and output device in the Windows Settings app or the Control Panel.
🔊 Connect your speakers or headphones to the iD4 and adjust the volume using the main volume knob. Use the Monitor Mix knob to control the blend between computer audio and direct inputs.
🎧 If iD4 is set as your sound device, you will see signal in the meters when playing audio from your computer and hear it through your headphones when adjusting the volume knob.
🔊 Press the Speaker Button to hear audio from the speakers.
🎤🎸 Use the XLR/Line Input for a microphone and the Instrument Input for guitars or basses.
🔌 Use the Phantom Power switch for condenser microphones and adjust input levels using the gain knobs.
🎛️ Adjust the monitor mix knob to blend inputs and computer and start recording.
📝 Subscribe for more videos and tutorials on recording with Audient iD4.
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