馃攳 The video discusses vocabulary related to travel and holiday.
馃實 One of the words introduced is 'picturesque', which describes a beautiful location or landscape.
馃帴 The video emphasizes the importance of subscribing to the channel and liking and sharing the video.
馃帴 Producers choose Kashmir as a filming location for its picturesque scenery.
鉁堬笍 An excursion is a short trip taken to relieve daily stress.
馃實 Exotic destinations like Switzerland attract millions of tourists.
馃彴 Quaint places are old-fashioned and charming.
馃挕 Punjab villages are attractive for tourists due to their traditional nature and breathtaking views.
馃尶 Ecotourism is a new type of tourism that promotes visiting and preserving natural places.
馃寧 Many nations are using ecotourism to counteract the negative effects of human activities.
馃捈 An all-inclusive trip includes all expenses like tickets, accommodation, and meals.
馃摎 Booking a full board package at a hotel includes accommodation and all three meals.
馃實 Far-off destinations are remote places that require travel to reach.
馃實 Far destinations for vacations are less populated and more serene.
鉁堬笍 Long-haul flights can be tiring and less preferred by people.
馃洬 Layovers are commonly used during long air travels for short breaks.
馃實 Traveling from the U.S. to India for a relaxing long-haul journey.
馃摑 Importance of using travel-related vocabulary in IELTS writing and speaking to score well.
馃攷 Explanation of the word 'swarming' and its usage to describe a place full of tourists.
馃摎 This video provides essential vocabulary for travel and holidays.
鉁堬笍 It covers topics such as transportation and accommodation.
馃尨 The video also includes useful phrases for ordering food and asking for directions.
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