💼 Financial stress is a common issue for many people, especially when it comes to topics like interest rates and buying a home.
😫 Having a financial stress companion can be helpful in managing and alleviating stress related to money.
📈 Starting early and having a good portfolio can help individuals stay on track with saving for important financial goals.
《初級》你適合主觀交易還是程式交易?今天就讓我們來聊聊聊這個主題,透過我自己的經驗來跟你分享我的一些看法以及建議 [走進我的交易廚房/交易小貼士/你適不適合當交易員?]
TEYL - Classroom Management Tips
Алматы. Точечная застройка, освещение и многое другое
《初級》世界期貨/外匯交易錦標賽參賽者Marek Chrastina訪談(完)/本影片為學員講座節錄版本,學員可以直接透過授權申請觀看完整講座內容~
Jeff Bezos Talks Business Vision, Leadership & Entrepreneurship