🌎 The Philippines is a highly vulnerable nation facing challenges from typhoons, extreme heat, storm surges, and disease.
🔥 Efforts are being made to address climate change through the implementation of local climate change action plans.
⚙️ These plans aim to adopt strategies and measures to mitigate the impact of climate change.
💡 Investing in renewable energy for cleaner air and achieving energy sufficiency.
⚡️ Interest in the latest technology for renewable energy generation, such as solar, hydro, and wind.
🌪️ Implementing early warning systems and preparedness measures to keep people safe from storms.
🌿 Preserving mangroves is crucial for protecting land and buffering against storm surge in the Philippines.
🤝 Engaging in partnerships is key to implementing the nationally determined contributions for climate resilience in the Philippines.
🌍 Addressing climate change is essential to uplift the situation, especially for the vulnerable communities in the Philippines.
Arduino-Based Resistance/Ohm Meter- using Proteus
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#20 Python Tutorial for Beginners | While Loop in Python
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