Practical Application of While Loop for Storing and Comparing Test Questions and Answers

This lesson demonstrates a practical application using a while loop to store and compare test questions and answers. It covers error handling and text formatting.

00:00:01 This lesson covers a practical application using a while loop in which a set of test questions and answers are stored in variables.

The video is about a practical application of the while loop in programming.

The application involves storing a set of test questions and answers in variables.

The questions are displayed to the student one by one using the while loop.

00:01:29 Practical application using while loop. Loop exits when no more questions. First question taken from variable and deleted. Print and store questions.

📚 The video teaches practical application of while loop.

🔄 The loop will continue as long as there are questions within it.

🗑️ The first question is deleted from the loop after it is stored.

00:02:52 A practical application using while loop in lesson 56.

📝 The video introduces the first step of using a while loop.

🔄 The first step involves three questions and deleting or moving the first question.

🔍 After deleting or moving the first question, the screen size is increased for better visibility.

00:04:13 Practical application using While loop. Student answers three questions. Compare student's answer with correct answer to determine result.

📝 The video demonstrates a practical application of a while loop.

💡 The while loop is used to ask the student three questions and store their answers in variables.

🔁 The student's answers are compared to the correct answers to determine if they are correct.

00:05:47 Practical application using a while loop. Comparing answers, checking capital or small letters, awarding points, and displaying 'correct' or 'incorrect'.

🔍 Comparing two answers based on case-insensitive letter matches.

Providing a correct answer mark for the student if their answer is correct.

Displaying an incorrect answer mark if the student's answer is incorrect.

00:07:11 Practical application using While loop. Handling errors and displaying appropriate messages. Using text formatting.

📝 The while loop is used in practical applications.

💡 Using quotes for text output is important.

Multiple questions can be answered using the program.

00:08:33 Practical application using a while loop. Correcting a mistake and providing the answer to the last question.

🔄 This video is about practical application of the while loop.

🤔 The speaker made a mistake in the last question and needs to correct the answer.

Summary of a video "الدرس - ٥٦ - تطبيق عملي باستخدام While loop" by Manal Sobhi on YouTube.

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