Targeting Protein Interaction in Blood Cancer Cells for Leukemia Treatment

Anna Orlova is developing therapeutics to target protein interaction in blood cancer cells and treat acute myeloid leukemia.

00:00:00 Anna Orlova is developing new therapeutics to target a specific protein interaction in blood cancer cells, with potential application in treating acute myeloid leukemia.

🔬 Anna Orlova is developing new therapeutics against blood cancer, specifically acute myeloid leukemia.

🧪 She and her team have developed a unique screening system to search for novel drugs.

💊 They are working on developing first-in-class inhibitors to target STAT5 oligomerization and treat acute myeloid leukemia.

00:01:03 Anna Orlova aims to develop a targeted treatment for leukemia, with a focus on STAT5 oligomerization. The goal is to finish proof of concept studies and create a startup to bring the drugs to patients quickly.

🎯 The goal is to develop a unique and effective treatment for leukemia.

💡 They have received funding from FFG Spinoff Fellowship and support from Webnet.

⏭️ The plan is to finish proof of concept studies and spin out the project into a startup company.

Summary of a video "Anna Orlova about targeting STAT5 oligomerization in leukemia // entrepreneurial vetmed" by Vetmeduni on YouTube.

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