Advanced RAG 03 - Hybrid Search BM25 & Ensembles

Learn about the advantages of hybrid search and the BM25 algorithm. Implement a BM25 sparse retriever in LangChain for word counting and TFIDF calculations. Combine keyword and semantic lookup in an ensemble retriever for advanced search techniques.

00:00:00 Learn about the advantages of hybrid search, combining keyword and vector search. Explore the BM 25 algorithm and its effectiveness in creating sparse vectors.

🔎 Hybrid search combines keyword and vector style search for improved retrieval.

🔍 BM25 is a powerful algorithm for creating sparse vectors in hybrid search.

BM25 has been effective even against newer techniques using deep learning.

00:01:07 Learn how to implement a BM 25 sparse retriever in LangChain, which is quick and easy to use for word counting and TFIDF calculations.

🔑 BM 25 is a search algorithm that uses term frequency and inverse document frequency.

BM 25 is fast and efficient compared to other methods like using vectors or embeddings.

💡 LangChain allows for easy implementation of a BM 25 sparse retriever for efficient lookups.

00:02:12 This video discusses combining keyword and semantic lookup in an ensemble retriever for advanced search techniques. The process involves using vector stores and BM25 calculations to enhance search results.

🔍 Combining keyword lookup and semantic lookup using an ensemble retriever.

💡 Utilizing vector stores and BM 25 for retrieval and calculations.

🎯 Demonstrating the ambiguity of the word 'apple' and its multiple meanings.

00:03:12 The video explains the retrieval process of keywords using BM 25. It also discusses the use of BM 25 in search algorithms like elastic search.

🔎 Keyword retrieval in BM25 and its use in search algorithms

🍎 Using the word 'apple' as a query in BM25 retrieval

🔍 The behavior of BM25 retrieval with non-direct matches

00:04:17 A video explaining how to combine OpenAI embeddings and faiss vector store to create an ensemble retriever for semantic lookup.

🔍 Using OpenAI embeddings for semantic lookup in a faiss vector store.

🔄 Creating an ensemble retriever by combining different retrievers.

⚖️ Setting up a weighting system to determine result ranking in the ensemble retriever.

00:05:22 Hybrid search combines keyword search and semantic search for better results. Useful for specific queries, like finding names in text.

🍎 Hybrid search combines keyword search and semantic search.

💡 Hybrid search is beneficial for cases where specific words or names need to be found.

📚 Hybrid search can be useful in certain projects and provides advantages over purely semantic search.

00:06:23 Learn about hybrid search BM25 & ensembles. Experiment with it yourself for your own use cases. More videos in the series on retrieval augmented generation.

🔍 Hybrid Search combines BM25 and Ensembles for improved retrieval.

💡 Try out Hybrid Search for your own use cases to see its effectiveness.

📺 Check out more videos in the series for different techniques in retrieval augmented generation.

Summary of a video "Advanced RAG 03 - Hybrid Search BM25 & Ensembles" by Sam Witteveen on YouTube.

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