👂 Listening is an important skill that young learners need to focus on in English classes.
📚 On average, we listen twice as much as we speak, four times more than we read, and five times more than we write.
👩🏫 The teacher plays a crucial role as the main source of listening input in the classroom.
👂 Teachers of young learners need to be conscious of their approach to giving listening input.
📚 Students need to prepare for listening activities and the language they will use.
🗣️ Teachers should prepare their instructions in simple language and be ready to repeat and rephrase.
💡 Listening is an interpretive skill that requires active engagement.
💭 Teachers should find ways to make listening active and ensure comprehension.
📝 One way to make children's listening more active is to use a variety of response types.
👂🖌️ Listen, point, and perform actions to engage students.
🧒🎨 Teach body parts by having students listen, point, and draw.
🦁🖌️ Encourage creativity by having students draw a crazy animal.
Using drawings to make listening activities more engaging.
Giving young learners a purpose and task when listening.
Recognizing the short attention span of young learners.
👂 Instead of passive listening activities, teachers should engage students in active listening tasks.
🧩 One way to encourage active listening is to ask students to listen and then complete a related task.
📸 Teachers can use visual aids, such as pictures, to enhance active listening and comprehension.
🎧 Active listening is an important skill for learning.
🧠 Active listening involves paying full attention and engaging with the speaker.
🗣️ Practicing active listening can improve comprehension and retention of information.
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