Final Events of Jesus in Jerusalem

This video discusses the final events of Jesus in Jerusalem, including his resurrection and appearances. It highlights the significance of women being the first witnesses to the resurrection.

00:00:02 In this video, the teacher discusses the final events of Jesus in Jerusalem, including his resurrection and appearances. The focus is on Mary Magdalene's visit to the tomb and the subsequent appearances of Jesus to various individuals. The video also compares the accounts of these events in the different gospels.

📚 This lecture is about the final mystery of Jesus in Jerusalem, focusing on his resurrection, appearances, and ascension.

🗺️ The timeline of events includes Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, the crucifixion, and finally, his resurrection.

📝 The accounts of Jesus' resurrection and appearances vary among the Gospels, with some including specific details while others omit them.

00:06:09 The video discusses the events surrounding Jesus' resurrection, including the earthquake, the opening of tombs, and the appearance of walking dead. It also mentions the women who visited the tomb to anoint Jesus' body and their encounter with angels.

🕊️ On Sunday, Jesus resurrected and the tomb was found empty. This is a fulfillment of the prophecy and proves that Christ had indeed risen.

🌅 The women, including Mary Magdalene, went to the tomb early on Sunday morning to anoint Jesus' body. They discovered that the stone had been rolled away and the tomb was empty.

🌍 There was a great earthquake and the whole world was shaken when Jesus died. This event, along with the resurrection, is significant and had a profound impact.

00:12:15 The women find the tomb with the stone rolled away and inform the apostles, who verify the miracle. They are the first to receive the news of Jesus' resurrection.

🔑 The women find the tomb empty and go to inform the apostles, who verify the news.

🔍 Different accounts describe the presence of angels at the tomb from different perspectives.

✝️ The angel reveals that Jesus has resurrected and instructs the women to inform the disciples.

00:18:22 A summary of the video is that it discusses the events that happened on Easter Sunday, including the appearances of Jesus after his resurrection to various individuals. The video also highlights the significance of women being the first witnesses to the resurrection. The controversy lies in the location of Jesus' ascension.

The video discusses the events that occurred on the resurrection Sunday near the Skull Mountain.

There were multiple appearances of Jesus after his resurrection, including appearances to Mary Magdalene and other women.

The video raises a controversy about the exact location of Jesus' ascension, whether it was on the Mount of Beatitudes or the Mount of Olives.

00:24:30 This video discusses the last appearance of Jesus before his Ascension, which is believed to have taken place on the Mount of Olives. It also explores the various appearances and commissions mentioned in the scriptures.

📖 The last appearance of Jesus before his Ascension is believed to have taken place on the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem.

✝️ The Ascension of Jesus is closely tied to his death and resurrection, and it is believed to have occurred in the same location where these events took place.

📜 There are at least 10 recorded appearances of Jesus after his resurrection, including the interactions with his disciples and the Great Commission.

00:30:36 Jesus discusses the Great Commission and the different interpretations of baptism in the church. The conversation between Jesus and Peter in John 21 is analyzed.

📚 The concept of the Great Commission, mentioned in Matthew and Mark, was already part of the history and tradition of the church.

The baptism mentioned in the Great Commission is different from the baptism of John the Baptist and has a special significance in Christianity.

🔮 The Great Commission encompasses the mandate of Jesus to make disciples of all nations and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit.

00:36:42 A discussion on the love between Jesus and Peter and the different types of love. The class concludes with a mention of the Ascension of Jesus and his disciples preaching.

💡 Peter's three encounters with Jesus: expressing affection, understanding love, and feeling sadness.

❤️ The different types of love: filial, friendship, and agape, with a focus on God's intense and unrestricted agape love.

🌍 Jesus' ascension to heaven and the disciples' preaching and confirmation of the word.

🌿 Locations associated with Jesus: Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, and the Garden of Gethsemane.

Summary of a video "Evangelios II - Semana 9" by CET Virtual on YouTube.

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