🧠 Anxiety is a normal response of the body to danger, inherited from our ancestors.
💡 Anxiety symptoms include fast heartbeat, dizziness, and blurred vision.
🌟 Anxiety can be triggered by various modern-day stressors such as financial problems and exams.
⚡️ Anxiety disorders can be identified by prolonged periods of fear and interference in our daily lives.
🚩 It is important to normalize and openly discuss mental health, just like we would with physical health.
😔 The speaker shares their personal experience with anxiety disorder and the journey towards seeking help and medication.
🧠 Understanding the limitations of medication in treating anxiety.
💭 The importance of addressing the root cause of anxiety through therapy.
😰 The challenges of living with anxiety and the distorted perception it can cause.
💡 Anxiety can be a defense mechanism to protect oneself from unresolved issues.
🔑 Confronting and talking about fears and problems takes courage, but it can lead to a sense of relief and empowerment.
⚖️ It is important to seek professional help and follow proper medication procedures when dealing with anxiety.
⭐ Anxiety is a constant presence but should not control one's life; it is a messenger signaling something is wrong.
💪 Overcoming dependency on others and reclaiming personal power is essential in managing anxiety.
🔑 2020 brought intense anxiety and the search for external answers, but the key to overcoming anxiety lies within oneself.
🔍 Getting multiple opinions about my anxiety made me more confused and overwhelmed.
💡 I realized that I have the answers within myself and I need to stop depending on others.
🛠️ Instead of pushing others away, I focused on personal growth and pursuing my passions.
The speaker discusses how aligning oneself with their desires and goals can lead to opportunities and connections.
She shares her personal journey with anxiety and how she has learned to manage and navigate through it.
The importance of being honest with oneself, seeking professional help, and finding support from others in order to prioritize mental health and happiness.
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