🧠 Within a fraction of a second, our brain makes unconscious judgments about others based on their behavior and nonverbal cues, determining whether to approach or retreat.
🔍 Our primitive brain categorizes people into four categories: friend, enemy, potential mate, or potential threat, based on evolutionary data and behavior.
🤔 Once categorized, our neocortex selectively interprets information that supports our brain stem's assumptions about the person.
👥 Our brain categorizes people into three categories: friend, enemy, or potential sexual partner, based on unconscious choices and biases.
🤝 If we can't find enough data to categorize someone, our brains make up stories and narratives about them to fit into one of the three categories.
💑 Our brain stem looks for similarities, such as physical appearance and attributes, to determine if someone could be a potential mate.
Humans are pre-programmed to be indifferent towards new people they meet.
Mark Bowden uses signals, such as smiling, to trigger a friendly response from the audience.
The speaker wants the audience to learn how to use these signals in their personal and professional lives.
The importance of nonverbal signals in communication and building trust.
The significance of sustaining a smile over 3 seconds and making eye contact.
The universal signal of showing empty hands as a display of honesty and trustworthiness.
🎯 The speaker emphasizes the importance of inauthenticity in public speaking and delivers his points effectively using learned techniques.
💡 Authenticity, according to the speaker, means doing what feels right for oneself at an instinctual level, regardless of external rewards or punishments.
🔑 The speaker admits that despite his initial reluctance, he chooses to show up and present his work professionally, even if it goes against his instinctual desires.
🔑 The speaker emphasizes the importance of inauthentic behavior in social interactions and suggests that being authentic may lead to negative reactions from others.
🤝 The audience is encouraged to be aware of their indifference towards others and to actively engage with different people to explore new ideas and perspectives.
💡 The speaker highlights the untapped potential for collaboration and innovation that exists when people break free from their tribal mentality and connect with others.
🔑 Choosing behaviors beyond our natural instincts can lead to brilliant opportunities in life.
🌟 Acting inauthentically and engaging with others can lead to life-changing experiences.
💪 Conscious choices define who we are, not just our innate ideas or abilities.
《初級》世界期貨/外匯交易錦標賽參賽者Marek Chrastina訪談(完)/本影片為學員講座節錄版本,學員可以直接透過授權申請觀看完整講座內容~
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