🕌 Tambora village has a Muslim majority with 70%, Hindu community with 25%, and Christian community with 5%.
✨ The Hindu community in Tambora faced initial fear and uncertainty as a minority, but they established their temple near a water source.
⚔️ The restoration of the Hindu temple near the water source sparked inter-religious conflict and fears of attacks on the Hindu community.
⚖️ The community decided to establish a Leadership School to promote peace and tolerance in Tambora.
🤝 Before the Leadership School, there was segregation between Muslims and Hindus, but now they are starting to interact and become more open.
🔒 The community is training to become peace volunteers in order to mediate and prevent conflicts.
😄 The video showcases a moment of social inclusion where laughter and tension-free interactions occurred.
🌍 This experience demonstrates that social inclusion is possible when there is genuine care and effort.
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