Exploration of geological formations and structures in the Campo virtual course.

This video provides an immersive virtual course on Module 4 of Campo. It explores different formations and structures in the region, including the Aguada Agrio and Rayoso formations. The video highlights geological features such as anticlines, faults, and folded belts.

00:00:03 This video discusses the different morphostructural regions of the Neuquén Basin, including the mysterious folded belt zone and the thick source rock in the Neuquino swelling zone.

🌍 The video discusses the different morphostructural regions in the Neuquén Basin, including the Compounds Trench, the Folded Belt, and the Neuquén Swelling.

⛰️ One enigmatic morphostructural zone in the Neuquén Basin is the Folded Belt, which includes elements of both thin and thick skin, with important rigid elements in the Cordillera del Viento and the Sierra de Catán. However, exploration in this zone has not been successful.

🛢️ The Neuquén Swelling is historically known for having the thickest source rock. It is an area of interest for conventional and unconventional exploration.

00:05:58 This video discusses different regions in the Cuenca neuquina and their potential for hydrocarbon exploration. It highlights the importance of the Dorsal de Wincul and the Sierra de Catalan in the area.

📚 The video discusses different regions and structures in the Campo Basin, focusing on the importance of the Wincul dorsal structure.

⛽️ The Wincul dorsal has been historically significant for oil discovery in the basin due to its ability to generate structural traps.

🌍 The southern platform and an underdeveloped structural region are also mentioned, with limited knowledge about their productivity.

00:11:49 Module 4 of the immersive virtual course on Field. Focuses on structures in the Andes and the Winpool Dorsal. Explores the unique geological features of the Petrified Forest area.

🗻 The video discusses the geological structures in the Campo region and their differences from the Andean structures.

🌋 There is a focus on the petrified forest area and its unique geological features, including a paradoxical structure and hydrocarbon manifestations.

🌄 The formation of Vaca Muerta and its distinct characteristics, such as its oxidized colors and proximal layers, are also highlighted.

00:17:41 Virtual immersive course on Campo - Module 4. Explore the Jurassic layers, angular unconformities, and preserved formations. Discover the eroded and deformed Vaca Muerta Foundation. Navigate through different localities and observe anticlines and faults.

🗺️ The video explores the geological features of the Wind Dorsal, focusing on the Jurassic formation and the presence of conglomerates.

🌊 A spectacular angular discordance is observed, where erosion occurred prior to the accumulation of Vaca Muerta, indicating significant erosion during the Jurassic period.

🏔️ The video also discusses the presence of anticlines and faults in the region, highlighting the tectonic activity and the geological structures in the area.

00:23:33 Summary: This video provides an immersive virtual course on Module 4 of Campo. It explores different formations and structures in the region, including the Aguada Agrio and Rayoso formations. The video highlights geological features such as anticlines, faults, and folded belts.

🌄 The video discusses different geological formations and their characteristics.

🗻 There is a triangular zone where the formation decreases in inclination towards the east.

🌊 The video explores the folded belt and the emergence of different formations.

00:29:28 Exploration of geological formations and structures in the Campo virtual course. Analysis of formations and identification of dominant trapping styles.

📚 The video discusses the geological structure of an anticline and its relationship with the Vaca Muerta and Mulichinco formations.

🌍 The anticline shows tectonic complexity and westward convergence. It is an important area for exploration.

🔍 The video highlights the importance of characterizing different phases and styles of trapping in the region.

00:35:18 Virtual immersive field course - Module 4. An overview of different trapping domains in oil reservoirs, including structural and stratigraphic traps, and their significance in oil production.

📚 The video discusses the different types of entrainment in the Cambro-Ordovician interval and the dominant traps in the Morro and Limay formations.

💡 The video explains the presence of carrier rock reservoirs and their role in oil generation and migration in the Vaca Muerta formation.

🗺️ The video highlights the structural and stratigraphic traps in different areas, such as the Cordoba, Hernández, and El Trapial regions.

Summary of a video "Curso virtual inmersivo de Campo - Módulo 4" by G.C.S Argentina on YouTube.

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