List Modification and Addition with Slice Lists | Python Programming

Learn how to modify and add elements in a list using slice lists. Discover different types of list slicing and three methods to add elements in Python.

00:00:00 In this video, Cahyo discusses how to modify and add elements in a list using slice lists. Slice lists allow access to specific values in a list, and multiple values can be accessed at once.

📝 Slice lists are used to access specific values in a list.

🔀 In slice lists, you can access multiple values by specifying a range of indices.

Using slice lists, you can modify and add elements to a list.

00:01:05 Learn about different types of list slicing, including taking elements from a certain index to the end and replacing values within a list.

Slice lists can be used to extract a range of elements from a list.

Another use case of Slice lists is to extract all elements from a list.

Values in a list can be replaced using indexes.

00:02:09 The video demonstrates how to change specific values in a list and add elements to the list using different functions.

🔢 You can change the values of specific elements in a list by using square brackets and indices.

There are several functions available to add elements to a list, including append, extend, and insert.

Append adds elements to the end of the list, extend combines two lists, and insert places a new element at a specified index.

00:03:11 The video explains three methods to add elements to a list in Python: append, extend, and insert.

📝 The video explains three different methods for adding elements to a list in Python.

🧩 The first method is to use the 'append' function to add elements at the end of the list.

🔗 The second method is to use the 'extend' function to add elements from another list to the end of the original list.

00:04:17 Learn how to insert a value at a specific position in a list. Example: Given [10, 14, 18], insert 3 at index 1, resulting in [10, 3, 14, 18].

💡 Inserting a value at the first index or second position in a list causes the existing values to shift right by one position.

💡 The 'Insert' function requires specifying the index position and the value to be added.

💡 In the given example, the list initially contains the values 10, 14, and 18. After inserting the value 3 at the first index, the resulting list becomes 10, 3, 14, and 18.

Summary of a video "17 list 2" by syaa on YouTube.

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