⚠️ UN Secretary-General urges world leaders to declare a state of emergency over the climate crisis.
🌡️ Paris Climate Accord commitments are not enough to limit temperature rise, as CO2 levels continue to rise.
🌍 Greta Thunberg calls on all leaders to declare a state of climate emergency worldwide.
🌍 The world is going in the wrong direction on climate change despite the Paris Agreement.
⚠️ 38 countries have achieved carbon neutrality, urging others to follow suit.
🌡️ World leaders promised to limit global temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius.
🌍 The world is still moving in the wrong direction on climate change despite the Paris Agreement.
🌡️ The past five years have been the hottest ever recorded, and CO2 emissions continue to increase.
🌱 System change is necessary to address the climate and ecological crisis.
🌍 The world is going in the wrong direction on climate change.
⏳ At the current emission rate, the CO2 budget for limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees will be depleted within seven years.
🌱 There is hope if we raise awareness and prioritize action on climate change.
🌍 The world is moving in the wrong direction on climate change, five years after the Paris Agreement.
🗣️ Greta Thunberg, a climate activist, expresses disappointment with the lack of progress in her video statement.
💉 Dr. Kamara Phyllis Jones advocates for prioritizing communities of color for COVID-19 vaccines due to their high death rates.
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