New law grants benefits to a specific group of women for 4 months.

Starting from 1/10, certain group of women will receive benefits for 4 months. Conditions, amounts, and rights explained.

00:00:32 Starting from 1/10, a new law will grant rights to domestic workers for 4 months. Questions arise about previous rights and compensations for eviction. The law applies specifically to housemaids and not homeowners. The speaker mentions subscriptions to social security.

📅 Starting from 1/10, a certain group of women will have the right to benefits for four months.

💼 New rights will be granted to domestic workers, including compensation and protection against dismissal.

👥 There is a distinction between domestic workers and homeowners regarding social security.

00:02:07 Starting from 1/10, a certain group of women who have been working as domestic workers for a year will be eligible for benefits. Conditions, amounts, and rights explained.

Starting from 1/10, a certain group of women who have been working from 10/2022 will be eligible for a specific benefit.

The duration of their previous work experience will be counted towards their eligibility.

There are certain conditions and requirements that need to be met.

00:03:34 Learn about your rights and the conditions for a special request for a specific group of women starting 1/10, for a duration of 4 months.

📚 This video provides information about the rights and conditions for a specific group of women starting from 1/10.

💼 The requirements include having worked for at least 360 days as a housekeeper and being registered as an employment seeker.

There is a specific time frame within which the payments can be made.

00:05:23 Starting from 1/10, a certain group of women will receive monthly allowances for 4 months. The amount varies over time.

📅 Starting from 1/10, a specific group of women will be eligible for assistance.

💰 During the first 6 months, eligible women will receive 700 euros per month, which will decrease to 500 euros starting from the 7th month.

In the first 6 months, 70% of the total assistance amount will be disbursed.

00:07:09 The new law dictates the rights and conditions for female domestic workers. Previous law did not protect undocumented workers. It is better to work legally.

📜 The video explains a new law that is relevant to domestic workers in the country.

📋 The law ensures that domestic workers are treated fairly and have certain rights.

Previously, domestic workers without proper documentation had no legal protection.

Summary of a video "بعد سنة من الانتظار سيتحقق مطلبك ابتداء من1/10 لهذه الفئة من النساء/خلاص 4 اشهر/الشروط والمبالغ وحقك" by Imane Fh Oficial on YouTube.

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