Teachers' Nationwide Protests Against New Teacher Law and Government's Implementation

Teachers protest against new teacher law and government's implementation.

00:00:00 A representative visited schools and checked classes and teacher attendance after the approval of a new teacher law and the announcement of a strike by a teacher union. Teachers who miss classes will be penalized with salary deductions.

📚 La encargada de Lambayeque verifica el desarrollo de las clases y la asistencia de profesores en Chiclayo.

⚠️ Los profesores afiliados al SUTEP anuncian una huelga en protesta a la ley de la reforma magisterial.

💰 Se aplicarán descuentos salariales a los profesores que se ausenten de las clases programadas.

00:01:06 The SUTEP rejects the new teacher law due to division among the teachers and infringement of their rights. This has led to nationwide protests.

👥 Teachers in the region are divided due to different leadership factions, hindering the enforcement of their rights.

📜 The national operations for the new law have faced failures, with leaders not being held accountable.

🔀 The government has taken advantage of the division among teachers to push for the new law.

00:02:10 Teachers from one of the regional teacher unions reject the new teacher reform law and protest in the city square against the government's implementation of the law.

🔍 A group of teachers protested against the government's new educational reform law.

The teachers strongly rejected the promulgation of the law, criticizing the lack of technical criteria and accusing the congress of implementing it for political reasons.

📢 The teachers expressed their indignation and vowed to continue protesting against the implementation of the law.

Summary of a video "SUTEP rechaza la nueva ley magisterial" by Willax Televisión on YouTube.

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