⭐️ The video is a review and gameplay of S&box, also known as Gary's Mod 2, which is currently in beta phase and cannot be purchased yet.
🔑 The reviewer thanks someone who provided them with a key to access the game for the video.
💻 There are ways to obtain activation codes for S&box on Steam, and the description provides a link to a website with tutorials for doing so.
🎮 The video is a gameplay review of S&box in Garry's Mod 2.
⚙️ The speaker explores different features and possibilities in the game.
👥 The speaker mentions playing as different characters and trying out various actions.
🎮 The game runs at around 40 fps and has realistic graphics.
👥 The map and character models in the game are poorly made.
🌟 The game was in development for three years and offers a hyperrealistic experience.
Garry's Mod 2 and S&box are being reviewed and played.
The physics in S&box are hyper-realistic and RTX has been removed from the dance machine.
There is an issue with deleting items in the game, but there is an eliminator tool that can be used.
The video is about playing Garry's Mod 2 and reviewing S&box.
The gameplay is more realistic than the original game and allows for the creation of Minecraft-like maps.
The speaker is impressed with the graphics and overall design of the game.
🎮 The video is a review and gameplay of a game called S&box.
📺 The reviewer plans to make more videos about the game and will be playing it for a week.
👍 The reviewer enjoyed the game and will give more feedback in the future.
The video is a review and gameplay of S&box, the successor to Garry's Mod.
The speaker enjoyed playing S&box and found it entertaining.
The speaker expresses gratitude for the opportunity to review and play the game.
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