🎭 Jonathan Freeman has played the villain Jafar in 'Aladdin' on Broadway for 28 years.
👑 Freeman always aspired to play a Disney villain and finds them fascinating.
🌍 Jafar is a megalomaniac who wants to take over the world in the story of 'Aladdin.'
😈 Jonathan Freeman enjoys playing the pure evil character Jafar in Aladdin, despite it being different from his real personality.
💄 Freeman jokes that if he continues playing Jafar for too long, he won't need to wear makeup anymore.
💇 After the makeup chair, Freeman moves to the hair chair for further transformation.
🎭 Jonathan Freeman transforms into his iconic character Jafar backstage before each performance.
🧔🏻 He gets a beard put on and microphones inserted into his head to enhance his transformation.
🔀🔧 In his calm dressing room, Freeman and his dresser assemble the pieces of his character, focusing on the upcoming 2 1/2 hours of performance mayhem.
🎭 Jonathan Freeman reflects on his 28-year journey playing the villain Jafar in Aladdin on Broadway.
👥 He acknowledges his responsibility towards the audience, especially those who have never experienced a Broadway show before or have faced financial challenges.
🤔 Jonathan finds motivation in knowing that the show provides an escape for those facing problems in their lives.
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