📧 Automated email summarization and reading.
🔀 Automated summarization of OpenAI blog announcements.
🤖 Building automations using AI tools.
🤖 make.com can integrate multiple tools and platforms to work together efficiently.
📧 Creating an automation that summarizes and displays specific emails in Slack.
🔎 Using Chat GPT from OpenAI to generate email summaries.
💡 Using GPT 3.5 turbo is recommended for summarizing emails as it is less expensive compared to GPT4.
📧 By adding the text content of an email and a prompt, GPT can summarize the email into a single concise paragraph.
💬 The summarized email can be sent to Slack, including the sender's name, email, and a link to the original email.
💡 Automating email responses and Slack message summaries using AI and automation tools.
⏰ Setting up scheduled automations to run at specific times and intervals.
📰 Using RSS feeds to stay updated with real-time news and summarizing relevant content.
🤖 Automation Guide: Utilizing AI to automate tasks.
💻 Scraping data from websites using RSS feeds and extraction rules.
🔍 Using OpenAI's GPT 3.5 turbo to summarize articles and explain them.
📰 Sending summarized articles to Slack for news updates.
🤖 OpenAI has introduced new voice and image capabilities in their chat GPT AI system, allowing users to have voice conversations and show images for analysis.
📸 OpenAI has also introduced a new system called GPT 4V that allows its AI model to analyze images provided by users, making language models like GPT4 more versatile.
🧒 The recent advancements by OpenAI, including chat GPT's voice and image capabilities, enable people to have new experiences with computers, ensuring safety and problem-free interactions.
🤖 Automation Guide using AI tools like 11 Labs and GPT 3.5
🎙️ Using AI to create custom voices and generate audio
🔗 Integrating Google Drive and Slack for file storage and sharing
🤖 AI can automate tasks and make processes more efficient.
💼 The importance of automation in the workplace.
🔗 The benefits of using a specific tool for automation.
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