The video is about fixing the error of entering an invalid serial number while installing Autodesk 3ds max2020.
The solution involves downloading a file and extracting it to a folder, then copying and pasting the contents of the folder.
The steps are demonstrated in the video tutorial.
🔑 Copy and paste a code into the search bar to fix the issue.
⬆️ Click on the 'Active' button after completing the installation.
⚙️ The video provides a step-by-step guide to resolve the issue of entering an invalid serial number.
The video is about fixing a common error related to entering an invalid serial number in Autodesk software.
The solution involves activating the software using a specific code and selecting the 'I have an active' option.
The process also includes copying and pasting a request code to complete the activation.
🔑 Copy all the text in the Active section and paste it into another page.
📋 Check if the 15th box is empty or contains the letter 'Z' to ensure that all the necessary text has been copied.
🔧 Click next to successfully activate 3ds max.
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