🏢 Site structure is an important factor for a site's rankings, with the URL itself being a key ranking factor.
🧱 There are hard silos, where the site structure is built into the URL, and soft silos, which are built through internal linking.
🤝 It is crucial to avoid going too deep in site structure, as it can harm the site's rankings and crawlability.
🏗️ Site architecture plays a crucial role in website organization and navigation.
🔗 It is important to plan and optimize the URL structure to improve the user experience and search engine rankings.
📚 Before focusing on site structure, prioritize generating quality content and acquiring backlinks.
📌 Building a well-structured website without valuable content is ineffective for SEO.
🔍 Support content, which answers questions related to the topic, is crucial for engaging with the target audience.
🔗 Creating supporting content and optimizing site architecture with internal linking can drive organic traffic and links to the target page.
📚 Building a strong site architecture using silos is essential for success.
🔗 Utilizing existing pages with links and traffic can jumpstart the silo creation process.
💡 When repurposing pages, focus on ensuring the first link is directed to the target page and internal links are strategically placed within the silo.
💡 Using vs keywords, such as comparing two products, can be effective for generating revenue.
💼 It is important to strategically build a silo architecture on your website, focusing on target pages and supporting articles.
🔄 Start with multiple target pages to see what works, then invest resources into the successful ones.
🔑 Silos are used to structure a website in a logical way and improve navigation and link building.
💡 Start with a niche that you are less passionate about to gain experience and knowledge before pursuing your passion.
🔗 For existing sites, identify target pages and restructure them virtually using internal links to improve ranking and expand keyword base.
🔄 Pages that fall out of the silo structure can be left alone, unless there is cannibalization, in which case pruning may be necessary.
🏠 Linking from the homepage is important for new sites, and building links to the homepage can be beneficial.
🔑 Creating internal links to important pages on your website can boost their visibility and authority.
🏡 Utilizing a hub page on your website that leads to multiple related pages can improve the flow of direct linkage and enhance user experience.
🔍 Single variable testing in SEO involves isolating and analyzing specific factors that impact search engine rankings.
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