Measuring Time: Illusion, Units, Relativity, and Philosophical Questions

The illusion of time and its measurement without tools. Different units, their relationship to nature's oscillations, and how time is a dimension like space. Relativity, entropy, and the philosophical questions it raises.

00:00:00 The illusion of time. How do we measure time without tools? Different units of time, their relationship to oscillations in nature.

The video discusses the concept of measuring time in different situations and explores the relationship between time and oscillation found in the world.

Without access to tools like clocks, one may use their pulse or blinking to measure time, but it becomes challenging to keep track of time when asleep.

Different units of time, such as years, days, hours, seconds, etc., have a connection to oscillations found in nature, like the earth's rotation around the sun.

00:02:03 The concept of time is based on the repetition of oscillations in nature, such as the transition between two layers of the atom. Different units of time are used for different situations, and our perception of time is influenced by our environment. Time is not simply the duration between two events.

:clock1: Time is measured based on the oscillations between two layers of Cesium 133 atoms, and a second is defined as one oscillation.

:globe_with_meridians: The perception of time is influenced by the position and speed of the Earth, as well as the units used to measure time.

:alarm_clock: Time is not simply the duration between two events, but rather the repetition of oscillations or cycles in nature.

00:04:09 The concept of time as a dimension of the universe, like space, was first defined by Hermann Kovski. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity further solidified this idea, revolutionizing physics. In classical physics, time was simply the difference between events, but in relativity, it became a fundamental dimension.

đŸ•°ïž Time is a dimension of the universe, just like space, and can be defined as an additional dimension beyond the three dimensions of space.

⏳ Albert Einstein's theories of relativity, both special and general, introduced the concept of time as a dimension and have been experimentally verified.

⌛ In classical physics, time was simply the difference between two events, but in the theory of relativity, time is considered an important dimension of the universe.

00:06:15 The illusion of space and time: The direction in space is not preferred, unlike in Earth where gravity distorts the space-time. However, time is not reversible regardless of location in the universe.

⏰ Time is relative and can be distorted by mass and velocity.

🌍 Space has a preferred direction due to the Earth's mass, but in the universe, there is no preferred direction.

🚀 The passage of time is experienced differently based on an individual's location and velocity.

00:08:18 The illusion of time and the direction it takes. Time always moves towards the future, influenced by the Big Bang and the concept of entropy. The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy never decreases in the universe.

⏳ Time always moves to the future and is influenced by the Big Bang.

🔀 Entropy is the degree of disorder in the universe and cannot decrease.

đŸ„š The concept of entropy can be understood using the example of a broken egg.

00:10:25 The illusion of time and its connection to entropy and the arrow of time. Relativity and quantum mechanics offer different perspectives on the nature of time.

⏳ The arrow of time is defined by the increase in entropy, which is the direction all systems in the universe move towards.

🔄 The theory of general relativity fails to explain singularities of black holes and does not intersect with quantum mechanics, suggesting that it may be just an approximation of a more fundamental theory.

❓ Some physicists argue that time may be an illusion and not a necessary component of the universe, leading to the question of its existence.

00:12:31 The illusion of time in physics: time is just the distribution of matter and the perception of regular events. It remains a philosophical question as to what happens to time at the maximum entropy and heat death of the universe.

⏳ Time is just an illusion, a distribution of matter that gives the impression of something real.

🌌 In most areas of physics, time is simply a measure of the distance between two different events.

đŸ€” The concept of time is philosophically intriguing and still has unanswered questions.

Summary of a video "A Ilusão do Tempo" by CiĂȘncia Todo Dia on YouTube.

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