How to Survive High School: First Day Tips

Tips for surviving the first day of high school: go to orientation, learn your schedule, and prioritize experiences over grades.

00:00:03 Tips for surviving the first day of high school: go to orientation, learn your schedule, and avoid going crazy with school supplies.

📋 Attending Orientation Day is important to learn the layout of the school building.

📖 Knowing your schedule and the location of each classroom is essential.

📁 Avoid buying excessive school supplies before classes begin.

00:01:26 Tips for surviving the first day of high school: wait for teacher instructions, get a planner, learn teachers' names, sit upfront.

📝 Wait and make a list of the school supplies you need after the first day of class.

🗓️ Use a planner to write down assignments, test dates, and important information.

👩‍🏫 Learn your teachers' names to know who to address and seek help from.

👩‍💻 Sit upfront in class, especially for subjects you struggle with.

00:02:50 Tips for surviving the first day of high school: sit towards the front or back of the class, ask questions, and talk to your classmates.

📚 Keeping engaged in class is important for academic success.

👥 Interacting with classmates can help with adjusting to high school.

Asking questions is encouraged to gain knowledge.

00:04:14 Choose electives that interest you, not what your friends are taking. Don't hesitate to request a schedule change if needed. Plan your time outside of school wisely.

🔑 Choose electives wisely and select classes that interest you.

📚 Don't be afraid to ask for a schedule change if a class is too difficult or not challenging enough.

Structure your time outside of school to include activities, homework, relaxation, and socializing.

00:05:37 Tips for surviving high school: don't let bad days ruin your semester, focus on learning, prioritize experiences over grades, keep a journal.

📚 Don't let rough days spiral out of control; use them as learning opportunities.

🎓 Remember, grades aren't everything; prioritize a balanced high school experience.

📓 Keep a journal to cherish the fast-paced years of high school.

00:06:57 How to Make the Most of Your First Year in High School: Tips for Success

📝 Taking 5 minutes at the end of each day to jot down your thoughts and experiences helps keep you focused on the journey.

📱 Use discretion when posting on social media to avoid potential embarrassments at school.

🎯 Set goals for your first year of high school to make the most of your time and stay motivated.

💪 Avoid falling into a freshman mentality and maintain a strong work ethic throughout all four years.

00:08:22 Learn how to make the most of your freshman year in high school and avoid future anxiety by focusing on your GPA early on.

🎓 Freshman year is the easiest, so put in extra effort to boost your GPA.

👥 Comment your most anticipated experiences for Freshman year.

👍 If you learned something new, like and share the video.

Summary of a video "How to Survive High School: The First Day" by BRIGHT SIDE on YouTube.

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