💔 The mother bereft continues her migration north on her own, leaving behind the carcass of a cherished calf.
🐋 A pod of fifteen killer whales spend over six hours trying to kill the calf, but only eat its lower jaw and tongue.
🌊 The carcass sinks to the bottom of the deep sea, where its flesh will not go to waste.
🐟 Hagfish, scavengers found in the deep sea, are attracted to the decay of a whale carcass.
🦈 A sleeper shark arrives, conserving energy and moving slowly.
⚓ The settlement of the carcass attracts various marine organisms.
⭐ The deep-sea scavengers rely on rare bonanzas for food.
🦈 The steeper sharks are large and can go for months without food.
💀 After 18 months, only a stripped bare skeleton is left of the carcass.
Prepositions - Arrive AT, ON, or IN?
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