Workplace Etiquette Tips: Dos and Don'ts at Work

Learn workplace etiquette tips to maintain a professional demeanor at work and advance your career.

00:00:00 Learn the dos and don'ts of workplace etiquette to make a positive impression. Avoid replying all to emails and discussing personal matters at your desk.

💼 Workplace etiquette is important for professional success.

📧 Avoid hitting 'Reply All' in emails to prevent embarrassing situations.

📵 Do not discuss personal matters at your desk to maintain a professional environment.

00:01:42 Workplace Etiquette Tips: Keep personal life separate, manage emotions, ask questions, avoid gossip, and be professional in emails.

👥 Maintain professionalism by keeping personal matters separate from work.

😊 Seek clarification by asking questions to avoid making mistakes.

🤐 Avoid gossiping about co-workers or the organization to maintain trust and professionalism.

00:03:25 Learn workplace etiquette tips to maintain a professional demeanor in your office. Respect your supervisor, express concerns tactfully, and be mindful at work events.

✉️ Maintain a professional demeanor in work emails to be perceived as knowledgeable and expert.

👩‍💼 Respect and never argue with supervisors or managers, but express concerns professionally.

🎉 Be mindful of behavior at work social events to maintain professionalism and avoid overdoing it with alcohol.

00:05:08 Learn workplace etiquette tips including how to present yourself, be prepared, arrive early, network, and excel in your job.

⚖️ Finding the right balance in how you present yourself at work is crucial.

Being prepared for unexpected situations at work, such as weather or spills, is important.

👥 Networking with people outside of your office can have valuable benefits.

00:06:51 Learn workplace etiquette tips including networking, assisting coworkers, bringing treats, and having a professional email address.

🤝 Networking and being available for corporate events can have a positive impact in the workplace.

🤝 Always be willing to assist co-workers to showcase your knowledge and abilities.

🥮 Bringing treats for co-workers can be a kind gesture, but consider allergies and dietary limitations.

📧 Having a professional email address is important for professional communication outside of working hours.

00:08:33 Learn workplace etiquette tips including accepting new tasks, being adaptable, and dressing professionally to impress in a new job.

💼 Accepting new tasks broadens your skill set and may lead to future opportunities.

🔄 Be adaptable and willing to work longer or shorter hours, perform new tasks, and work on holidays.

👔 Dress professionally to make a good impression, even if there is no strict dress code.

00:10:18 Learn workplace etiquette tips and the importance of keeping an open mind and having a positive attitude at work to advance your career.

⚡️ Keeping an open mind and being adaptable is crucial for success in the workplace.

😄 Having a positive attitude and being friendly can greatly impact job performance and career advancement.

🙌 Making mistakes is natural, but it's important to learn from them and avoid repeating them to show growth.

Summary of a video "Workplace Etiquette Tips | The Dos and Don't at Work" by Business Training Media on YouTube.

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