⭐️ It is possible to make money from hosting EV charging points on your land.
💰 There are different models available for prospective landlords, including fully funded installations with no cost to the client.
🌍 Charging infrastructure can be installed in both rural and urban areas, with partnerships and revenue sharing opportunities.
🔌 The speaker emphasizes the importance of high-quality connections and hardware for EV charging points, aiming to provide a reliable and user-friendly experience.
👥 The three pillars of their business model include accommodating single landowners, partnering with organizations, and offering flexible charging options for different communities.
🔋 The market for EV charging is young and dynamic, with evolving solutions. There is a need for long-term planning, coordination, and transparent partnerships to ensure sustainability.
🔑 Site selection for EV charging points requires thorough evaluation and understanding of client requirements.
⚡ Reliability and maintenance of charging infrastructure are crucial for EV site hosts.
💰 Hosting EV charging points can generate additional revenue and attract more customers.
EV charging points are appreciated by people and there is little negativity surrounding them.
Leaving vehicles plugged in overnight and overstay incidents are not a problem at the given location.
Supermarket chains and local authorities are interested in installing EV charging points.
🔑 The role of local authorities in EV charging has changed from investing in infrastructure to facilitating private sector investment.
🚗 Local authorities should identify viable locations for private sector investment in EV charging infrastructure and use public funding to support infrastructure in areas that are not currently feasible for private investment.
🌐 Partnerships between charge point operators, local authorities, and landowners are crucial for the long-term success of EV charging projects.
💰 When considering profit sharing or revenue sharing in hosting EV charging points, it's important to understand the basis on which it is founded, such as total turnover or net revenue.
⚡️ Key factors in the cost of running an EV charging network include power prices, payment fees, hardware and installation costs, maintenance costs, customer service costs, and data provision.
🚗🌍 Factors to consider for successful utilization of the charging network include the number of local EVs, parking constraints, and the availability of charge points in the area.
Roaming services are important for EV charging points to provide a seamless customer experience.
Housing associations should install charging infrastructure to cater to the increasing demand for EVs among tenants and residents.
Charging network operators need to address challenges in shared accommodations and work with government policies to ensure smooth deployment.
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