🎯 Online money-making and the idea of earning €10,000 per month.
💰 The perception vs reality of financial freedom and the lifestyle associated with earning €10,000 per month.
👨⚕️ Professions that can earn €10,000 per month and the distinction between traditional careers and self-employment.
💸 Earning 10,000€ per month allows for more freedom and enjoyment in life.
💰 Having a realistic expectation of money's impact on happiness is important.
🌟 Having enough money to live comfortably and pursue one's interests leads to true happiness.
🔑 Becoming your own boss requires hard work and self-discipline, but it offers more freedom and flexibility.
⏰ Building a successful business takes time and patience, typically spanning several years.
⚙️ To be successful, focus on enjoying and improving the process, rather than obsessing over the end result.
🔑 Finding your talent and combining it with your interests can lead to a fulfilling and successful career.
💡 Examples of skills that can be monetized include drawing, programming, web development, language proficiency, community management, and simplifying complex content.
💰 Business models may change, but having a valuable skill can provide long-term security and opportunities.
⭐️ There are multiple ways to earn a significant income online, including offering social media services, creating a Shopify store, specializing in design, providing videography and video editing services, and offering text-writing services.
📱💻 Social media services, such as creating and managing social media accounts for businesses, can be a lucrative opportunity.
🛍️ Building a successful Shopify store or selling on platforms like Amazon can generate substantial income, especially if selling unique or self-made products.
📊 Starting a business requires hard work and dedication, not passive income.
📈 Building a personal brand can be beneficial for business growth.
💼 Scaling the business and transitioning to coaching or consulting can lead to higher earnings.
Create a Growth Mindset Culture with GROW: NeuroLeadership Institute's Scalable Learning Solution
CLASE 1 - Ciclo de Vida de los Proyectos
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