Study Faster and Excel in School: Tips from a Former Boarding School Student

Learn how to study faster and excel in school with tips from a former military-style boarding school student. Use the IEME system to prioritize key topics and concepts and avoid wasting time. Stick to a solid plan to avoid falling behind.

00:00:00 Learn how to study faster and excel in school with tips from someone who spent 14 hours a day studying at a military-style boarding school.

⏱️ Studying for long hours is no longer effective in achieving higher grades.

📚 The key to academic success lies in learning faster.

💡 Developing effective learning strategies is crucial for academic achievement.

00:01:11 Learn how to study effectively by setting clear goals and focusing on specific learning objectives. Improve productivity and ace school with the IEME system.

📚 The IEME system consists of four steps to improve productivity in studying.

🔍 Goal setting is the first step and helps identify what is necessary to learn.

💡 A specific goal boosts motivation and allows for focused learning.

00:02:20 Learn how to study effectively and achieve academic success by creating a focused plan and prioritizing key topics and concepts.

📚 Creating a concrete study plan based on your specific goals is crucial.

Prioritizing topics based on their relevance to your goals can help you study more efficiently.

⏱️ Focusing on the main concepts and avoiding excessive details at the beginning can increase study speed.

00:03:26 Focus on the 20% of efforts that bring the majority of outcomes. Rank learning into core concepts, secondary topics, and nice to know details.

📚 80% of outcomes come from 20% of efforts.

💡 Rank learning objects into three tiers: core concepts, secondary topics, and nice-to-know details.

🌟 Focus on the most important parts to achieve the best results.

00:04:33 Learn how to study efficiently and avoid wasting time by making a clear study plan. Start with important topics and save optional ones for later.

Having a clear study plan before starting helps make study sessions more efficient and prevents wasted time.

📚 It's important to determine the study resources to use, such as YouTube, textbooks, or practice problems.

🔝 Organize the study order by starting with the most important topics and saving the less important ones for last.

00:05:40 Learn how to study fast and ace school by following a solid plan. Avoid falling behind by starting with the first three steps and sticking to the plan.

📚 Executing a solid study plan is crucial for fast learning.

Starting early with all the necessary steps leads to faster progress.

💡 Identifying goals and evaluating the most important aspects help prioritize studying.

00:06:50 Learn how to study effectively and excel in school using code, online resources, and organized reviewing techniques.

📚 Using definitions in the textbook and online resources to understand the basics.

🎥 Watching a helpful YouTube video series for further learning.

📑 Reviewing slides provided by professors for additional examples.

📝 Revisiting homework for further review before the exam.

📋 Creating a study plan and sticking to it.

Summary of a video "Don’t fall behind: How to study FAST and ace school" by Han Zhango on YouTube.

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