JavaScript is a popular programming language used by big companies like Netflix, Walmart, and PayPal.
JavaScript can be used to build web, mobile, networking, and command-line applications, as well as games.
JavaScript code can run in browsers or using Node.js, which allows for building the backend of web and mobile applications.
ECMAScript is a specification for JavaScript, with ECMAScript 6 (ES6) being the most recent version released in 2015.
✨ To start a web application, open the 'index.html' file with Live Server.
🚀 The best practice is to place the JavaScript code at the end of the body section to avoid rendering delays and allow the code to interact with the elements on the web page.
💡 JavaScript statements represent actions, and strings are sequences of characters. Comments can be used for code documentation.
🧩 Separation of concerns refers to the practice of separating HTML and JavaScript code to differentiate content from behavior.
📁 In larger applications, JavaScript code is saperated into multiple files, which can be combined into a bundle and served to the client.
🌐 Code can be executed in a browser or using Node.js.
📚 Variables are used to store data temporarily in a computer's memory in JavaScript.
💼 Meaningful and descriptive names should be used for variables, following camel notation.
🚫 Variables cannot be reserved keywords, start with a number, or contain spaces or dashes.
📌 Variables can be declared and initialized in JavaScript using the 'let' and 'const' keywords.
🔒 A constant is a type of variable that cannot be changed once it is initialized.
💡 JavaScript has different types of variable values, including strings, numbers, booleans, and null.
📚 JavaScript is a dynamic language, meaning the type of a variable can change at runtime.
🎯 In JavaScript, the 'typeof' operator determines the type of a variable at runtime based on its assigned value.
🔢 JavaScript only has one type for all numbers, whether they are integers or floating-point numbers.
🔤 JavaScript has various primitive types, including strings, numbers, boolean, undefined, and null.
🧱 Objects in JavaScript are like real-world objects, with properties that can hold related variables.
🔑 Properties of an object can be accessed using dot notation or bracket notation, depending on the scenario.
📝 JavaScript provides dot notation for accessing properties and storing data in variables.
🧩 Arrays in JavaScript are used to store lists of objects and can have dynamic lengths and object types.
⚙️ Functions in JavaScript are sets of statements that perform tasks or calculate values, and can have parameters for added functionality.
🧑💻 Understanding the difference between a parameter and an argument in JavaScript.
📝 How to declare and call functions with multiple parameters.
➕ Exploring the concept of function calls and using return statements.