👶 B. Simone jokingly expresses her desire to have Nick's baby on 'Wild 'N Out'.
💇♀️ B. Simone mentions her changing hairstyles in relation to Nick's baby mama.
🤰 B. Simone playfully asks what she needs to do to get pregnant.
🔥 B. Simone borrows a wig from someone in the audience.
😂 Just Hilarious Zoo makes a funny comment.
😱 B. Simone reveals that Nick has a different personality off-camera.
🔥 B. Simone transforms into little meech from BMF.
💪🏼 B. Simone challenges Nick to do dips on stage.
💦 Nick spits water out in exchange for B. Simone doing five dips.
🎤 B. Simone's hilarious performance on Wild 'N Out.
👏 Black Squad wins the competition.
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