🔧 The video showcases the manufacturing process of industrial valves at a 62-year-old cast valve factory in Korea.
⚙️ The factory specializes in producing various types of valves, including a demonstration of the creation of a giant valve.
🏭 The process involves steps such as casting, trimming, expanding supply holes, and applying a special coating.
🔑 The manufacturing process of industrial valves involves sand casting and special coating.
🏰 The molten steel flows through the mold to create a valve.
⏳ Melting the scrap metal is the final step in the process.
🏭 The video explores the manufacturing process of industrial valves in a 62-year-old cast valve factory in Korea.
🔥 The process involves melting scrap steel, conducting quality checks, and removing impurities.
🌡️ The molten steel is poured into molds and allowed to cool for 8 hours before the valves are recycled.
🏭 This video showcases the manufacturing process of industrial valves at a cast valve factory in Korea.
🔨 The valves undergo a special sand blasting treatment to achieve a smooth surface.
💡 The use of a friction heat process without water cooling is demonstrated to prevent damage to the valves.
🔑 The video discusses the manufacturing process of industrial valves in a 62-year-old cast valve factory in Korea.
🏭 The factory uses water cooling to prevent overheating during the manufacturing process.
🔎 Quality inspections are conducted during the assembly process to ensure the valves meet high standards.
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