🌳 The Fountain revolves around three narratives: a Spanish conquistador, a scientist, and an astronaut. The scientist's main focus is to find a cure for brain cancer using unique DNA from a tree discovered in South America.
⏳ The scientist's wife dies before he can complete his breakthrough, but she leaves behind a book about a Spanish conquistador searching for a tree that grants eternal life. This narrative exists in the scientist's mind as he strives to honor his wife's dying wish.
✨ The final narrative involves an astronaut traveling towards a dying star, implying that this astronaut is the scientist who has achieved immortality after inventing a cure for death. The tree planted on the wife's grave represents her belief in an Aztec-style resurrection.
🌳 The scientist in the video wants to travel into a dying star to be reunited with his wife after death, symbolized by the tree in the film.
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