Before this world was created, there was the sky world high above the endless waters.
The sky caretaker and his wife, the sky woman, lived in a lodge by the tree of life.
The sky woman accidentally fell through a hole and was saved by a fish hawk and sea turtle.
🌍 The Iroquois creation myth describes how the earth was formed
🐢 The turtle plays a crucial role in the creation of the earth
🌳 The sky woman and the animals collaborate to create various natural elements
🌍 The Iroquois creation myth revolves around Mother Earth and her children.
☀️ Sapling, the good-minded son, created all the pleasant things on Earth.
❄️ Flint, the evil-minded brother, created unpleasant things like winter and thorns.
🌍 The Iroquois creation myth describes the creation of different races of humans.
🐢 The world is carried by a giant sea turtle over endless waters.
⚔️ The different races created in the myth still engage in war to this day.
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