📊 A trading simulator allows users to practice trading using sample data with real-time price visualization.
📈 The simulator can be customized to display different data ranges and speeds, and includes features like pause, reset, and slider for easy navigation.
💰 Additional features like trend lines and a trading interface can be added to enhance the simulator's functionality.
🗺 Creating properties in Excel VBA to assign and read values
➕ Testing properties and retrieving values
📈 Adding properties for different variables
➗ Creating properties for linked cells and playing status
📁 Creating a chart variable and setting the data source
🗺 Moving the chart by changing the frame of data
📈 Formatting the axis to simulate live trading
📊 Setting the minimum and maximum values of the y-axis is crucial to ensure accurate and comprehensive data representation on a chart.
💻 Using Excel VBA, creating a trading simulator involves writing code to set the x-axis and y-axis of the chart based on the data range.
📈 By creating a frame object and utilizing class modules, it becomes easier to manipulate and move the chart based on user interactions.
📝 In VBA, we need to create our own constructor for objects since we can't pass parameters. We assign the passed values to private variables.
🔀 The frame position class has functions like perform calculations, update frame, and move right. These functions update the frame based on the current position and move interval.
💡 Objects can be tested in isolation, making them flexible and allowing for thorough testing before using them in applications.
Creating a class called UI manager to handle updating the worksheet
Adding a scroll bar class to control the position in the chart
Implementing a scroll bar event to move to a specific position
The video is about building a trading simulator using Excel VBA.
The tutorial goes through the process of adding a scroll bar and various buttons to control the simulator.
The video explains how to create a play loop for the simulator to play in real-time.
📊 The video explains how to build a trading simulator using Excel VBA.
⏯️ The simulator can pause, play, and adjust the speed of data updates.
🔄 There is a function to update the chart based on user changes.
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