Abdul Ghaffar Maghawry discusses the importance of increasing the minimum pension and early pension.
He emphasizes the need to raise the interest rate on pension funds to support pension increases, especially for those with very low pensions.
Abdul Ghaffar Maghawry calls for the restoration of rights for early pensioners who have been unjustly affected by social insurance laws.
💰 There is a significant amount of money available for pension holders, which is invested by the government and generates interest.
📈 The investment generates a return of around 9%, benefiting pension holders.
📚 According to the constitution, the money invested for pensions is considered private funds.
📊 The video discusses the merging of different pension funds into one fund according to Law 148 of 2019.
💰 The government invests the pension funds to ensure a steady income and increase the minimum pension amount.
⚖️ The video highlights the challenges faced by pensioners, such as weak purchasing power and early retirement.
🔑 Early retirement can have financial implications for individuals who choose to opt for it before the implementation of the law.
💼 Some individuals who opted for early retirement faced challenges in terms of income and employment opportunities.
💰 The value of the pension is affected by the age at which it is received, and increasing support and benefits can improve the overall pension system.
💡 The idea of support for pensions is ending globally, but there is room for improvement and increase in pension amounts.
💰 Even a small increase in pension amounts can have a positive impact on people's lives.
🔝 A 3-4% increase in pension amounts can be implemented after approval by the House of Representatives.
💰 The video discusses the importance of increasing retirement pensions, particularly for those with low incomes, to help people meet the expenses of life.
👥 It also highlights the need for the government to pay attention to the rights of early retirees and restore their privileges.
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